Alan Badoeva - Мадемуазель Живаго Music Project

Alan Badoeva – Mademoiselle Zhivago Musical Project

Label: ELLO
Country: Ukraine
Genre: Pop

9 lives of "Mademoiselle Zhivago", or the new life of Alan Badoeva

Everything serous can not be born without complications. For example, the famous Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago". Or a joint music project of Igor Krutoi, Lara Fabian and Alan Badoev "Mademoiselle Zhivago": the shooting took place as in 2010, but only now audience can see it.

The premiere of "Mademoiselle" was planned for the last year. But, as I have already told you, the creation of the project was associated with the artistic discrepancies between the director and main heroine - Lara Fabian: there were rumours that after Lara saw the footage, she decided to give up all of this "seamy side", but in the end she agreed. That makes sense: 38 days of shooting, more than 500 people were involved in it and more than 30 kilometers of film stock was used.

Let me remind you, that "Mademoiselle Zhivago" can be seen on the big screen only once - in a few days. And last Friday, presentation of the project was held in a movie theater "Pravda" at FILM.UA studio. 


Alexander Kazhiyan, Alan Badoev’s press secretary and director of FILM.UA Group marketing and PR Polina Tolmacheva

Here is the first winner of "The Bachelor" Alexandra Shulgina (on the right)

Sasha Shulgina happened to be on the presentation. As it turned out in the course of the talks, Sasha is working for Ello channel, where all the video clips, including Alan Badoev’s, are presented:

- I am now engaged on the project Ello-Lounge, - she said. - This is a show I’m hosting. Ukrainian and Russian stars come to me and we are talking. In addition, our channel helds videos premieres.

- Do you continue following "The Bachelor"?

- Not much. But I know about the main character.

- And what do you think of Iskornev?

- To be honest, I would not really want to comment on "The Bachelor". I'm trying to walk off. This is a closed chapter in my life.

- And have you met with Chmerkovsky?

- No, Maxim lives in America, I currently live in Ukraine. He came for a week for the shootin of the show "Cube", but we didn’t have the opportunity to meet in person and talk.

Finally, when all the guests gathered in the cinema, hero of the occasion took the floor.

- I am very proud of this project – I’ve not created anything that frank - admitted Badoev. – Mine and Igor’s and Lara’s child survived the test of time and has become even more important and beloved to us. I want to thank Lara and Igor for an extraordinary time we spent together on the set - every minute holds sentimental value.

A short introductory speech  

So, nine stories of "Mademoiselle Zhivago".

First story. Fallen woman. We are talking about a prostitute.

Second story. Anna Karenina. It is clear what is meant. "We gave special consideration to the props - says Badoev. - I asked to make 10 types of road dust. After all, every dust on the screen shatters differently under the wheels of the carriage".

Third story. Lullaby. Auschwitz, blood, dirt and tears.

Fourth story. Family violence. Fabian’s idea.

Fifth Story. Theme: morphine, vampires as main characters, phantasmagoria.

Sixth story. Islamic terrorists take hostages in a theater. Among the hostages - a pregnant woman who is about to give birth and gives it. During the shooting Badoev warned the extras that there will be firefight. Therefore, when the masked men appeared audience started to panic.

Seventh story. Brittleness. Once again, war, car bombings, again a birthing mother in shot.

Eighth story. Mr. President. Children playing the war. Moreover, the weapon is only for boys who prey on girls. Beating the wounded with butts. Badoev: "I tried to evocate the real aggression in children. I think I did it".

Ninth story. Winter bouquet. The shooting took place in Lviv. Cast - Max Barsky and Lara Fabian.

One of the stories shown to the audience. Why "Lullaby"?...

- With this story we’ve started the whole project - said Alan. - Krutoi sent me the music. The whole day I have listened to this song. I then I noticed ashes on my arm. Why ashes? Yes, because the concentration camp! And then the idea of a lullaby stroke me.

Pay attention to the quality of the picture

Even the snow had to be real. It took about 100 thousand dollars

What was not completed by scene painter, was created with computer graphics.

In one of the stories the director himself played the role of Charon, the carrier in the world of the dead, taking body parts as bribes for their services

Mother-heroine Lara Fabian 

Karlsson on the roof - Max Barsky.

As you may have guessed, the plot consists of nine songs, but each video - a separate story with its logical conclusion. Something like this was shot for the Beatles, Pink Floyd and Mylene Farmer.

- We filmed in Lviv, Kiev and its outskirts. Oh my God, I do not memorize names of the places. At all locations we had to construct sets, and I thank my scene painters for painter daily feat. To build Auschwitz in a big career is really hard.

- What is the difference between filming a movie and music video for an artist?

- It is also a project for the performer. It's just basic, and somehow will move our country to realize that we can be the first. And we have to be the first to make the genre of the video much deeper. Worldwide. To let people know that Ukraine can shoot powerfully and bright. With such a legacy, as Parajanov and Ilienko, it’s silly not to create poetry in the video. I would like to make it accessible, easy, but with an idea.

- And all this will be in free access...

- This film is waited for three years. We want to live up to expectations and give ease, accessibility, that what we will do.

- Commercial success is not at the head of the corner?

- It is important for people to see. For Ukraine it’s the most important thing.

- There will be no release?

- We had a show in Belgium, it’ll be in Russian. And then we will download the film on iTunes.

- And you're going to shoot like that, despite the fact will it be perceived or not?

- I will not shoot clips as before. Now - this is Mademoiselle Zhivago. The "According to Freud" project. People understand that in Badoev’s videos something changed. But I do it intentionally. We hid for six months to give birth to a new style. Nine years ago they talked about Ukraine that here high quality clipsare shot. I now want Ukraine to become a country where iconic videos are shot.

In the end, there was one question that had to be clarified: why waste money on a super-expensive project that does compensate even a tenth of the invested finances? For Krutoi its a colossal promo: the whole world will hear the music he wrote for Fabian. Lara will be seen in a new way - not saccharine diva in a dress, but a dramatic actress. And for Badoev "Mademoiselle Zhivago" is an ability to enter the western market.

To appreciate the beauty and depth.


Subtitle: What if love brings you to your knees?
Duration: 4:42
The Same Karenin Family
Subtitle: What if life is some kind of cage?
Duration: 6:58
The Family
Subtitle: What if your husband is your torturer?
Duration: 5:53
Subtitle: What if death is actually a liberation?
Duration: 4:45
Mademoiselle Hyde
Subtitle: What if the price for love is life?
Duration: 5:36
Subtitle: What if fear makes you perform heroic deeds?
Duration: 4:10
Mr. President
Subtitle: What if children will launch a war?
Duration: 3:49
Winter's Bouquet
Subtitle: What if love lasts three days?
Duration: 8:12
The Making of Mademoiselle Zhivago
Duration: 29:27